We can build a society where children and families are strengthened and supported, not surveilled and separated.
An upEND Syllabus
Take a self-guided course on family policing’s history, present, and abolitionist future. This is a companion to The upEND Podcast.
Abolitionist Framework Tool
Do proposed reforms to family policing further entrench systemic harms or do they create a society where the need for a family policing system is obsolete?
Black History Month: More Than Commemoration—A Blueprint for Liberation
Throughout history, Black people have resisted not only through direct action against oppressive forces but also by creating systems of care that ensured collective survival.
Evaluating Texas’ “Active Efforts” Reform Using an Abolitionist Framework
Proposed Texas Senate Bill 620 would amend the Family Code by replacing all references to “reasonable efforts” with “active efforts” to reunify families separated by the family policing system and establishing a clear definition of the term. We acknowledge that SB 620 may reduce some harms currently inflicted by the child welfare system, and we […]
Season 2 of the upEND Podcast Explores Questions of Solidarity
Let’s deepen our political education and bring new people to the fight for our collective liberation.
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