Looking for ways to support or get involved with the upEND Movement? Here are FIVE ways that YOU can get involved and help us to co-create this effort.
Day One, October 20th, 1-4PM ET
Judith Meltzer, President, CSSP
Kristen Weber, Director, Equity, Inclusion, and Justice, CSSP
Making the Case for upENDing the Child Welfare System
Alan Dettlaff, Dean, Graduate College of Social Work, University of Houston
Opening Keynote: Building a Movement
Lisa Sangoi, Co-Founder and Co-Director, Movement for Family Power
Panel Discussion: Shifting Power, Building Change
Maya Pendleton, Policy Analyst, Facilitator
Alan-Michael Graves, Director of National Programs, Good+Foundation
Tymber Hudson, Youth Organizer
Joyce McMillan, Parent Advocate and Founder, PLAN (Parent Legislative Action Network)
Day Two, October 21st, 1-4PM ET
Alan Dettlaff, Dean, Graduate College of Social Work, University of Houston
Panel Discussion #1: Indian Country: Support Us or Get Out of the Way
Hon. William A. Thorne, Former Tribal and State Court Judge (Trial and Appellate), Facilitator
Abby Abinanti, Yurok Chief Judge
Priscilla Day, Professor, Social Work and Principal Investigator, Center for Regional and Tribal Child Welfare Studies
Cheryl Fairbanks, Interim Executive Director of the UNM Native American Budget and Policy Institute
Panel Discussion #2: Working on the Road to Abolition
Leonard Burton, Senior Fellow, CSSP, Facilitator
Ned Breslin, Chief Executive Officer, Tennyson Center
Leon D. Caldwell, Founder and Managing Partner, Ujima Developers
Kimm Campbell, Assistant County Administrator, Broward County